Meeting #:
Call to Order:
Council Chamber
401 Festival Lane
Sherwood Park, AB

To provide an update on the level of food insecurity within Strathcona County, the foodbank’s programming, and how it is contributing to the mission of making the County one of the most liveable communities.

External Presenters:
Tracey Cyca, Strathcona Food Bank Co-Chair
Kathryn Howden, Strathcona Food Bank Co-Chair

To provide Priorities Committee with an update on the cat shelter pilot project.

External Presenter:
Liz Pankhurst, President and Co-Founder, Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society

To provide the Priorities Committee with an overview of the proposed modernization of the Agricultural Service Board.

To provide the Priorities Committee with a summary of the 2024 municipal census and the high-level results.

As required by the Alberta Libraries Act, the Library Board is submitting its financial report, plus a report of library services offered on behalf of the municipality.

External Presenters:
Denise Charbonneau, Strathcona County Library Board Chair
Paul Ryzuk, Strathcona County Library Board Vice Chair
Ross Wilson, Strathcona County Library Board Secretary-Treasurer
Sharon Siga, Strathcona County Library Board CEO

The Priorities Committee is provided with the listed reports in this section for information only. Presentations are not heard at the meeting.

To present the 2023 Off-Site Development Levies Annual Report, compiled to comply with the requirements under the Municipal Government Act.

To provide an update to Priorities Committee regarding the brush and yard waste services relocation business case for 2025.

To provide Priorities Committee with an update on Policies reviewed by Administration with no recommended changes in accordance with GOV-002-021 Mandatory Review of Bylaws and Policies.