Meeting #:
Call to Order:
Open Session:

Chief Commissioner - Introduction of Topics

Litigation Update - Continued

FOIP Section 24, advice from officials
FOIP Section 27, legal privilege

Intermunicipal Relations Committee (IMRC) Update (32)

FOIP Section 21, harmful to intergovernmental relations
FOIP Section 24, advice from officials

Hillshire Area Structure Plan Update

FOIP Section 24, advice from officials

Proposed Amendment to the Fees and Charges Bylaw 37-2019 

FOIP Section 27, legal privilege

Related Materials - Closed Session

To update Council on the status of the Facility Service’s Strategic Energy Management Plan and support received from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre for the Municipal Energy Manager program. To obtain Council’s direction on establishing a Green House Gas reduction target for municipal buildings.

To amend 2020 Annual Facility Lifecycle budget to increase the Festival Place Equipment Replacement project and to reallocate previously approved operating expenses to the capital budget.

Fleet Services seeks an exception to the Disposal of Assets policy in order to sell for $1 (one dollar) a 1955 Chev 1643 tanker, that is no longer in use by the County, to the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).

To provide information to Council to make a decision on third reading of a bylaw that proposes to amend Land Use Bylaw 6-2015 to allow for the rezoning of 60.7 hectares (150.0 acres) in the SE 18-51-22-W4 in support of a proposed subdivision of the subject parcel into three lots.

To provide information to Council to make a decision on third reading of a bylaw that proposes to amend Land Use Bylaw 6-2015 to allow for the rezoning of 1.44 hectares (3.56 acres) in the NW 2-53-22-W4 in accordance with the Ardrossan Area Structure Plan (ASP).

To seek Council approval on adding an additional council meeting on July 14, 2020 and amending the start time of the July 14, 2020 Priorities Committee meeting.

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